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Delicious Desserts C2C CAL: The C2C Candy Corn Afghan Square

It’s that time again friends, the last Tuesday of the month. This month’s last Tuesday is particularly sad for me because that means that Halloween month is almost over. I shall weep later, because first I have to share with you the newest C2C Square – the Candy Corn Afghan Square! Long time fans will …

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Delicious Desserts C2C CAL: The C2C Strawberry Shortcake Afghan Square

And so August comes to a close but not before a brand new C2C square. It’s been such a fun CAL so far and I’ve had a ball making each and every one of these squares and this week’s is no different. I hope you’re ready, because this brand new this week is the C2C …

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Delicious Desserts C2C CAL: The C2C Ice Cream Cone Afghan Square

And so it goes, another end of the month and another Delicious Desserts square. This week I tried to bring a treat that’s going to beat the heat of the summer (at least where I live), so say hello to the C2C Ice Cream Cone Afghan Square.I have always been an ice cream fan. I …

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Plant C2C CAL – C2C Spooky Tree Square Free Crochet Pattern

Hello again! It’s another sad week here at my house, because it’s the end of October (not for any serious reason, don’t be alarmed). As I’ve said many times here on my blog and on FB/IG, October is my favorite month of the year and I love to have fun during it. I liked to …

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Plant C2C CAL – C2C Mum Afghan Square Free Crochet Pattern

Ah, the sun is setting on September and while I’m glad to have October here (my favorite time of year) I will miss this pre-Halloween month. *sighs wistfully* But, you know what the end of the month means, it’s a brand new square for the 2021 C2C Plants CAL! And this month’s new square is …

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C2C Daisy Afghan Square Free Crochet Pattern – Plant C2C CAL

Goodbye June, it’s been a hot rainbow filled month but it’s about to end. This month’s new square pattern is arriving really late in the month but it doesn’t mean it isn’t special. And of course it’s another rainbow design (you know I had to)! Say hello to the C2C Daisy Afghan Square. Like I …

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Plant C2C CAL – Cactus C2C Square Free Crochet Pattern

New year, new CAL! Who’s ready to start a new C2C CAL with me here on my blog? I know I am, because I’ve been thinking about this CAL since I asked a last month on IG what this year’s blanket theme should be. Plants won out, so that’s how we got this month – …

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Coffee C2C Square Project – Square 8 crochet pattern

Happy Tuesday everyone! Who love a good cup of coffee? I know I do! And if you’ve been a fan of my blog for a while you know that, which is why this year’s year-long CAL has been coffee themed again (so was last year‘s btw). And this month’s square is a return to the …

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Coffee C2C Square Project – Square 6

Hi everyone! You didn’t think we’d finish out June without another rainbow pattern from me, did you? Ha! Of course I would include another and it would be an update of my 2019 TSAP Rainbow and Coffee Tapestry Afghan Square. Say hello to June’s C2C square – the Rainbow and Coffee Cup C2C Afghan Square. …

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Coffee C2C Square Project – Square 3 the Free Travel Mug Afghan Square Crochet Pattern

Hi everyone! So, uh, how are you? Anyone else trying to stay at home and stay safe but also stay sane? Is crochet helping with that? It helps me, which is why I’m still excited to share with you this week’s new pattern, the Travel Mug C2C Afghan Square! Are you following along with this …

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