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Cool Waves Wall Hanging Free Crochet Pattern

Another day another wall-hanging, am I right? At this point I may run out of wall space before I run out of ideas. I just love not only the process of making wall-hangings but the freedom of color with it. So, this week I have for you the endlessly customizable, Cool Waves Wall-Hanging. My idea …

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Make It Fancy With the Moon Rise Wall-Hanging free crochet pattern

The other day I was accused of teasing people too much with this design, but I can’t help it… it makes me so happy! Ever since I started working on the Moon Rise Wall-Hanging, even before it got a name, I was in love, and I could not wait to show off all the updates. …

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Cute Snowflakes Coaster Set Free Crochet Patterns

Hey there! How’s January treating you? It’s been a wild ride of a couple weeks, huh? But at least there’s crochet. Lots and lots of crochet. And this week’s new free pattern, or should I say patterns, the Cute Snowflakes Coaster Set. I hope you like them! So for a while I’ve been doing seasonal …

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Free Pretty in Gingham Beanie Crochet Pattern

Happy new year everyone! Who else feels the hopeful winds blowing, the chance for new and interesting things in the air? Pardon me, I get like this when the new year starts, or when a month starts… sometimes on Mondays. I guess I always feel like there’s a new opportunity for growth. 🙂 Like my …

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Cecelia Tapestry Bag Free Crochet Pattern – Get That Retro Feel

Hi there! How’s December treatin’ ya? I ask because I’m treatin’ you to a bonus pattern this month – the Cecelia Tapestry Bag crochet pattern! It’s a design I’ve had in my arsenal for over a year now but never got to posting on my blog. So, in honor of the spirit of the season, …

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Make It Fashionable with the Pretty in Gingham Headband Pattern

Ah, it’s November. It feels like it has taken forever to get here, ya know? I saw a post from April shared again on Twitter and could have sworn it was from years ago. Ha! I’m thankful for crochet, keeps me going. Ya know? And it’s nice to have a simple project to work on, …

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Free Cute Pumpkins Mug Rugs Crochet Patterns

The calendar says that it’s October but the weather is still so warm here that, I really don’t know. Usually October is my favorite month of the year, I love to watch the leaves change to beautiful colors. And of course, Halloween candy and the beginning of pie season! So that’s why this week’s design …

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Cute Cups Mug Rug Free Crochet Pattern – Love it!

Won’t you look at that, it’s August already! Not that I’m complaining, I am ready for Fall and to me, August is often the beginning of the Fall season. At some point this month the weather will turn colder, it will be perfect time for hot cups of something delicious. Which brings me to this …

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The Free Watermelon Coaster Crochet Pattern – A Juicy Watermelon!

I don’t want to start this post talking about how wild it is that it’s already July. I mean, it totally is… like, where did the year go? How is it half over? Oops, I almost did it. Anyway, because it’s now getting to the hot months here in California I wanted to make something …

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