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Stitch Together 2022 CAL: Square 11 Photo Tutorial

This post is for the 11th square in the Stitch Together 2022 Stitch-A-Thon Blanket. If you’re unfamiliar with this CAL, head over to and find out all about how you can join us in 14 squares all year long. Hi everyone! Can you believe it’s the 2nd half of our year-long CAL? We’re in …

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Coffee Tapestry Square Afghan Project – Square 3

Happy third week of March everyone! Has Spring sprung where you are? It did here, without any warning. It was like 50-60 degrees last week and then this last weekend it just jumped up to 80 and hasn’t went down. I kind of wish it was a real Spring, I love those transition seasons. Don’t …

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8″ Tapestry Heart and Coffee Cup Afghan Square Free Crochet Pattern

Coffee Tapestry Square Afghan Project – Square 2 Oh, wow, it’s time for another afghan square! I’m nervous… this project is a bit harder than last year’s, for me at least. I don’t know if I feel more creative because I gave myself more strict conditions for this CAL (as compared to last year) or …

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Coffee Tapestry Square Afghan Project – Square1

Another year, another square CAL!Now, if you don’t follow me on social media you might not have know that I decided to make another year of my squares. I was on the fence about it before, because I wasn’t sure that anyone even liked last year and while I enjoy making designs I would like …

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Tapestry Square Afghan Project – week 10 (October)

Happy October everyone! Can’t you believe it? It’s my all-time favorite time of year. I grew up in a Inter-Mountain State so I’m used to the leaves changing, maybe a bit of coolness to the air, and the bombardment of Halloween decorations. It just makes me all so happy. Which is why I bring to …

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8″ Tapestry Daffodil Afghan Square Free Crochet Pattern

Hi everyone! How are you doing this week? I’m doing really well, getting a lot done and pretty close to being ready to be move in a few weeks. It’s scary and I’m trying to do as much as I can to get ready to combat the anxiety I’m feeling about moving. Moving is never …

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