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Tapestry Square Afghan Project – week 10 (October)

Happy October everyone! Can’t you believe it? It’s my all-time favorite time of year. I grew up in a Inter-Mountain State so I’m used to the leaves changing, maybe a bit of coolness to the air, and the bombardment of Halloween decorations. It just makes me all so happy. Which is why I bring to …

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Tapestry Square Afghan Project – week 9 (September)

Happy Fall-o-ween everyone! The months of Fall-o-ween run from September to right before Thanksgiving (like, the day before).If you’ve been a frequenter of this website you know that I’m all about Fall/ Halloween (hence the name of my favorite season being the portmanteau Falloween) and… alas, the best month of the season also happens to …

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Tapestry Square Afghan Project – week 8 (August)

Wow, it’s already the second Tuesday of the month! Where does the time go? With all my second Tuesdays of 2018, today’s post is another #2018TSAP square. I have been having a ball creating and releasing these squares but I don’t know how much everyone else is getting out of them. Do you want to …

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Free Tapestry Square Afghan Project – week 7 (July) Watermelon Square Crochet Pattern

Happy July Square everyone!Who else is having a ton & 1/2 fun with this project? Much of my fun for this project is seeing your projects on Ravelry and on Instagram. I just love seeing people making designs that started as just a little idea in my head. It really makes me feel connected to …

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8″ Tapestry Daffodil Afghan Square Free Crochet Pattern

Hi everyone! How are you doing this week? I’m doing really well, getting a lot done and pretty close to being ready to be move in a few weeks. It’s scary and I’m trying to do as much as I can to get ready to combat the anxiety I’m feeling about moving. Moving is never …

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Tapestry Square Afghan Project – week 4 (April)

Hello everyone! How are you doing this week? Can you believe it’s April? I definitely can’t, it feels like this  year has been flying by. Also, it’s still so cold so I’m just not in an April/ Spring state of mind at the moment. It’s also been so dreary and rainy here in my neck …

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