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Vacation is over, back to work…

Kayla barefoot sandals by Divine Debris

Kayla barefoot sandals by Divine Debris

Updated: You can download the pdf here.

*Yawn* How have you been? I had a pretty great four weeks visiting my family on the other side of the country. It was nice to see everyone together, including my brother, who hasn’t been to UT in nearly five years, and his girlfriend.  We were together for my sister’s wedding, which was lovely and featured many lovely homemade items as centerpieces or decorations. My sister and her friend who helped decorate did a lovely job.

Early on we, the bridesmaids, were supposed to be barefoot for the wedding, which was held in a backyard. So, in response to this announcement I designed a new style for my barefoot sandals (pictured), just for the occasion. They’re named after my sister, Kayla.

For this project I used a Boye 00 (3.5mm) hook and size 10 crochet thread (Red Heart brand) in Ecru. The rows are worked back and forth, without stitching the ends together. Feel free to use any replacement (as in for the st) for the chs at the beginning.

Kayla barefoot sandals by Divine Debris

Kayla barefoot sandals by Divine Debris

Ch 8, slip st to form a ring.
Row 1: Ch 3(counts as dc), 7 dcs, ch 3, 8 dcs – 16 dcs
Row 2: Turn, ch 2 (counts as hdc), hdc into space between dcs from row 1, hdc into space between dcs from row 1, *hdc2tog into space between dcs , ch 1,* repeat 4 more times, [hdc 3 times, ch 3, hdc 3 times] into ch 3 space (from row 1), ch 1, *hdc2tog into space between dcs, ch 1* repeat from * to * 3 more times, hdc2tog into space between dcs, hdc into space between dcs, hdc into space between dcs, hdc into last dc – (12 hdcs, 10 hdc2togs)
Row 3: Turn, ch 3 (counts as dc), dc into space between hdcs, dc into space between hdcs, dc into space between hdcs, *dc2tog into next ch 1 space, ch 2* repeat from * to * 3 more times, dc2tog into next ch 1 space, ch 1, [dc 3 times, ch 3, dc 3 times] into ch 3 space (from row 2), ch 1, *dc2tog into ch 1 space, ch 2* repeat from * to * 3 more times, dc2tog into next ch 1 space, dc into space between hdcs, dc into space between hdcs, dc into space between hdcs, dc into last hdc – (14 dcs, 10 dc2togs)
Row 4: Turn, ch 1, sc into first st and into the next 3 sts, ch 3, *sc into ch 2 space, ch 3* repeat from * to * 3 more times, sc into next ch 2 space, ch 1, [sc 3 times, ch 3, sc 3 times] into ch 3 space (from row 3), ch 1, sc into next ch 2 space, ch 3, *sc into next ch 2 space, ch 3* repeat from * to * 3 more times, skip dc2tog, sc into last 4 dcs (24 scs)
Row 5: Turn, ch 1, sc into first st and into next 2 sts, ch 1, skip sc,  *hdc 3 times into ch 3 space, ch 1* repeat from * to * 4 more times, ch 1, hdc twice into ch 1 space, ch 1, [hdc 3 times, ch 3, hdc 3 times] into ch 3 space (from row 4), ch 1, hdc twice into ch 1 space, ch 1, *hdc 3 times into ch 3 space, ch 1* repeat from * to * 4 more times,* ch 1, skip sc, sc into last 3 scs (6 scs, 40 hdcs)
Row 6: Turn, ch 1, sc into first st, skip 2 scs, *puff st into ch 1 space, ch 3,*  repeat from * to * 5 more times, puff st into next ch 1 space, ch 2, [dc, ch 2, dc, ch 20, dc, ch 2, dc] into ch 3 space (from row 5), ch 2, *puff st into ch 1, ch 3* repeat from * to * 5 more times, puff st into ch 1, ch 1, skip 2 scs, sc into last sc (2 scs, 14 puff sts, 4 dcs,
Row 7: Turn, sc into first st, sc into ch 1 space, *picot above puff st, sc 5 times into ch 3 space* repeat from * to * 5 more times, picot over puff st, dc 3 times into ch 1, ch 1, skip dc, puff st into ch 1, skip dc, sc into each st of the 20 chs from last row, skip dc, puff st into

Kayla barefoot sandals by Divine Debris

Kayla barefoot sandals by Divine Debris

ch 1, skip dc, ch 1, dc 3 times into ch 1, *picot over puff st, sc 5 times into ch 3 space,* repeat from * to * 5 more times, picot over putt st, sc into ch 1 space, sc into last sc (84 scs, 6 dcs, 14 picots, 2 puff sts)
Fasten off, weave in ends.

Finishing: For the straps I crocheted a picot after every 10 chs (I think it gives it a bit of personality).

Ch 80 (adding the picots if you wish), sc into the second from the beginning sc from row 8, sc into the first sc, ch 10, sc into original ch 8 ring, ch 10, sc into the end sc of row 8, sc into next st, ch 80. Fasten off.

I hope you all like the pattern! Let me know, in the comments, if you find any problems. As always, you can find me on Facebook. You can add this pattern to your Ravelry queue here. You can download the pdf pattern here.

You can find this post linked to Moogly‘s and My Merry Messy Life‘s Hookin’ on Hump Day.


Saturday 21st of June 2014

I love that they are also heart shaped - perfect for a wedding. Love the blue nails too.xx


Friday 20th of June 2014

Love those barefoot sandals. Will be adding them to my ravelry queue!

Divine Debris

Friday 20th of June 2014

Thank you! I hope you like them and post pictures, I'd love to see 'em.