Hi again. A few weeks ago I was posting on FB and realized that it had been nearly 2 years since I created the Memory Mandala. I used the center of that design as inspiration for the Mini Mandala Earrings and decided to honor the memory of Wink and why I designed the Memory Mandala in the first place with a brand new mandala.
If you or someone you know is struggling with depression, there are help lines available 24/7: SuicidePreventionLifeline.Org. Please, do not hesitate to ask for help.
If you appreciate my weekly patterns, please consider purchasing the pdf for this pattern in my Ravelry shop to help me bring more patterns to my blog.
US H (5.00 mm) crochet hook
Worsted/ medium/ size #4 weight yarn
.8 oz. / 42 yards
I used a combination of Loops and Threads and Vanna’s Choice yarn
Yarn needle
4″ x 4″ = 16 scs x 16 rows
Terms/stitches used:
Magic circle
Ch: chain
St: stitch
Sc: single crochet
Hdc: half double crochet
Dc: double crochet
Tr: treble crochet
FP or BP- front post or back post of a specified stitch
Tr4tog: treble crochet 4 sts together
This pattern is worked in the round, with a slip st into the first st from the last.
The ch-1 at the beginning of some rows does not count as a stitch.
The next row starts where the previous ended.
The rows aren’t labeled with specific colors, I changed colors each row in the pictures here.
You’re going to need to know how to work into the back 3rd loop only for this pattern.
You’re going to need to know how to work into the back loop only (BLO) for this pattern.
You may want to block the finished item.
Finished product dimensions:
Diameter: 12.25″
-Pattern instructions-
May Mandala crochet pattern by DivineDebris.com
Row 1: Create a magic circle, ch 3 (counts as dc here and throughout), dc, *ch 2, dc twice into the circle, ch 2,* repeat from * to * 4 more times, slip st into the first st – 12 dcs, 6 ch-2 spaces Row 2: Ch 3, bpdc around the next st, dc twice into the ch-2 space, *dc into the next st, bpdc around the next st, dc twice into the next ch-2 space,* repeat from * to * repeat from * to * 4 more times, slip st into the first st – 24 dcs (counts bpdc & dcs) Row 3: Ch 1, sc into the same st as join, hdc into the next 2 sts, ch 5, hdc into the next st, *sc into the next st, hdc into the next 2 sts, ch 5, hdc into the next st,* repeat from * to * 4 more times, slip st into the first st – 6 scs, 18 hdcs, 6 ch-5 spaces Row 4: Ch 3, dc into the same st as join, hdc into the back 3rd loop of the next 2 sts, ch 2, skip the ch-5 space, hdc into the back 3rd loop of the next st, *dc twice into the next st, hdc into the back 3rd loop of the next 2 sts, ch 2, skip the ch-5 space, hdc into the back 3rd loop of the next st,* repeat from * to * 4 more times, slip st into the first st – 12 dcs, 18 hdcs, 6 ch-2 spaces
Row 5: Ch 1, sc into the same st as join, sc into the next st, hdc into the back 3rd loop of the next 2 sts, dc 4 times into the ch-5 space of row 3 (around the ch 2 space from row 4), skip the next hdc, *sc into the next 2 sts, hdc into the back 3rd loop of the next 2 sts, dc 4 times into the ch-5 space of row 3 (around the ch 2 space from row 4), skip the next hdc,* repeat from * to * 4 more times, slip st into the first st – 24 dcs, 12 scs, 12 hdcs Row 6: Ch 1, sc into the same st a join, sc into the next st, ch 5, skip the next st, sc into the next 2 sts, bphdc around the next st, bptr around the next 2 sts, bphdc around the next st, *sc into the next 2 sts, ch 5, skip the next st, sc into the next 2 sts, bphdc around the next st, bptr around the next 2 sts, bphdc around the next st,* repeat from* to * 4 more times, slip st into the first st – 24 scs, 12 bphdcs, 12 bptrs, 6 ch-5 spaces (when you block this pattern, puff up the bptrs to make them stand out) Row 7: Ch 1, sc into the same st as join, sc twice into the next st, ch 3, skip the ch-5 space, sc twice into the next st, sc into the next st, sc into the back 3rd loop of the next st, sc into the BLO of the next 2 sts, sc into the back 3rd loop of the next st, *sc into the next st, sc twice into the next st, ch 3, skip the ch-5 space, sc twice into the next st, sc into the next st, sc into the back 3rd loop of the next st, sc into the BLO of the next 2 sts, sc into the back 3rd loop of the next st,* repeat from* to * 4 more times, slip st into the first st – 60 scs, 6 ch-3 spaces Row 8: Ch 1, sc into the same st as join, sc into the next st, ch 1, skip the next st, [3 dc, ch 3, 3 dc] into the ch-3 space from row 4 (and around the ch-5 space from row 6), ch 1, skip the next st, sc into the next 2 sts, sc into the BLO of the next 4 sts, *sc into the next 2 sts, ch 1, skip the next st, [3 dc, ch 3, 3 dc] into the ch-3 space from row 4 (and around the ch-5 space from row 6), ch 1, skip the next st, sc into the next 2 sts, sc into the BLO of the next 4 sts,* repeat from * to * 4 more times, slip st into the first st – 48 scs, 12 ch-1 spaces, 36 dcs, 6 ch-3 spaces Row 9: Ch 3, dc into the next st, ch 2, skip the next ch-1 and dc, dc into the next st, hdc into the next st, hdc 4 times into the next ch-3 space, hdc into the next st, dc into the next st, ch 2, skip the dc and ch-1 space, dc into the next 2 sts, ch 2, skip the next 4 sts, *dc into the next 2 sts, ch 2, skip the next ch-1 and dc, dc into the next st, hdc into the next st, hdc 4 times into the next ch-3 space, hdc into the next st, dc into the next st, ch 2, skip the dc and ch-1 space, dc into the next 2 sts, ch 2, skip the next 4 sts,* repeat from * to * 4 more times, slip st into the first st – 36 dcs, 36 hdcs, 18 ch-2 spaces
Row 10: Ch 1, sc into the same st as join, sc into the next st, ch 3, skip the ch-2 space and dc, hdc into the back 3rd loop of the next 6 sts, ch 3, skip the next dc and ch-2 space, sc into the next 2 sts, tr twice into the second skipped sc from row 8 (in front of the ch-2), tr twice into the third skipped sc from row 8 (in front of the ch-2), *sc into the next 2 sts, ch 3, skip the ch-2 space and dc, hdc into the back 3rd loop of the next 6 sts, ch 3, skip the next dc and ch-2 space, sc into the next 2 sts, tr twice into the second skipped sc from row 8 (in front of the ch-2), tr twice into the third skipped sc from row 8 (in front of the ch-2),* repeat from * to * 4 more times, slip st into the first st – 12 scs 36 hdcs, 25 trs, 12 ch-3 spaces Row 11: Ch 3, dc into the next st, ch 4, skip the ch-3 space and next hdc, hdc into the back 3rd loop of the next 4 sts, ch 4, skip the hdc and ch-3 space, dc into the next 2 sts, ch 2, tr4tog the next 4 sts, ch 2, *dc into the next 2 sts, ch 4, skip the ch-3 space and next hdc, hdc into the back 3rd loop of the next 4 sts, ch 4, skip the hdc and ch-3 space, dc into the next 2 sts, ch 2, tr4tog the next 4 sts, ch 2,* repeat from * to * 4 more times, slip st into the first st – 24 dcs, 24 scs, 12 ch-4 spaces, 12 ch-2 spaces, 6 tr4togs Row 12: Ch 1, sc into the same st as join, sc into the next st, tr around the ch-2 from row 9, dc around the ch-3 from row 10, slip st into the ch-4 on row 11, dc around the ch-3 from row 10, tr around the ch-2 from row 9, hdc into the next 4 sts, tr around the ch-2 from row 9, dc around the ch-3 from row 10, slip st into the ch-4 on row 11, dc around the ch-3 from row 10, tr around the ch-2 from row 9, sc into the next 2 sts, sc2tog the next ch-2 spaces (skipping the tr4tog), *sc into the next 2 sts, tr around the ch-2 from row 9, dc around the ch-3 from row 10, slip st into the ch-4 on row 11, dc around the ch-3 from row 10, tr around the ch-2 from row 9, hdc into the next 4 sts, tr around the ch-2 from row 9, dc around the ch-3 from row 10, slip st into the ch-4 on row 11, dc around the ch-3 from row 10, tr around the ch-2 from row 9, sc into the next 2 sts, sc2tog the next ch-2 spaces (skipping the tr4tog),* repeat from * to * 4 more times, slip st into the first st – 30 scs, 24 trs, 24 dcs, 24 hdcs,
May Mandala crochet pattern by DivineDebris.com
Row 13: Ch 1, sc into the same st as join, sc into the next st, skip the next tr and dc, [2 dc, ch 2, 2 dc] around the slip st and into the ch-4 space on row 11, skip the next dc and tr, sc into the next 4 sts, skip the next tr and dc, [2 dc, ch 2, 2 dc] around the slip st and into the ch-4 space on row 11, sc into the next 2 sts, ch 1, *sc into the next 2 sts, skip the next tr and dc, [2 dc, ch 2, 2 dc] around the slip st and into the ch-4 space on row 11, skip the next dc and tr, sc into the next 4 sts, skip the next tr and dc, [2 dc, ch 2, 2 dc] around the slip st and into the ch-4 space on row 11, sc into the next 2 sts, ch 1,* repeat from * to * 4 more times, slip st into the first st – 48 scs, 48 dcs, 12 ch-2 spaces, 6 ch-1 spaces Row 14: Ch 1, sc into the same st as join, sc into the next st, skip the next 2 dcs, hdc 6 times into the ch-2 space, skip the next 2 dcs, sc into the next 4 sts, skip the next 2 dcs, hdc 6 times into the ch-2 space, skip the next 2 dcs, sc into the next 2 sts, fptr around the tr4tog from row 12, skip the ch-1 space, sc into the next 2 sts, skip the next 2 dcs, hdc 6 times into the ch-2 space, skip the next 2 dcs, sc into the next 4 sts, skip the next 2 dcs, hdc 6 times into the ch-2 space, skip the next 2 dcs, sc into the next 2 sts, fptr around the tr4tog from row 12, skip the ch-1 space, slip st into the first st – 48 scs, 72 dcs, 6 fptrs (If working in 1 color, fasten off after this row) Row 15: Skip the next 2 scs and dcs, dc 3 times into the next st, ch 1, dc 3 times into the next st, ch 2, skip the next 2 dcs and sc, dc into the next 2 sts, ch 2, skip the next sc and 2 dcs, dc 3 times into the next st, ch 1, dc 3 times into the next st, ch 2, skip the next 2 dcs and 2 scs, fpdc 3 times around the next fptr, ch 2, skip the next 2 scs and 2 dcs, *dc 3 times into the next st, ch 1, dc 3 times into the next st, ch 2, skip the next 2 dcs and sc, dc into the next 2 sts, ch 2, skip the next sc and 2 dcs, dc 3 times into the next st, ch 1, dc 3 times into the next st, ch 2, skip the next 2 dcs and 2 scs, fpdc 3 times around the next fptr, ch 2, skip the next 2 scs and 2 dcs,* repeat from * to * 4 more times, slip st into the first st – 102 dcs (counts dcs and fpdcs), 24 ch-2 spaces, 12 ch-1 spaces
Row 16: (begin in the ch-2 space right before you secured the last row), ch 3, dc twice more into the ch-2 space, ch 2, skip the next 3 sts, dc 5 times into the ch-1 space, ch 2, skip the next 3 dcs, dc twice into the next ch-2 space, skip the next dc, slip st into the space between the 2 dcs, skip the next dc, dc twice into the next ch-2 space, ch 2, skip the next 3 dcs, dc 5 times into the next ch-1 space, ch 2, skip the next 3 dcs, dc 3 times into the next ch-2 space, skip the next dc, slip st into the next dc, skip the next dc, *dc 3 times into the next ch-2 space, ch 2, skip the next 3 sts, dc 5 times into the ch-1 space, ch 2, skip the next 3 dcs, dc twice into the next ch-2 space, skip the next dc, slip st into the space between the 2 dcs, skip the next dc, dc twice into the next ch-2 space, ch 2, skip the next 3 dcs, dc 5 times into the next ch-1 space, ch 2, skip the next 3 dcs, dc 3 times into the next ch-2 space, skip the next dc, slip st into the next dc, skip the next dc,* repeat from * to * 4 more times, slip st into the first st – 120 dcs, 24 ch-2 spaces
Fasten off, weave in your ends. Block if necessary.
There is my newest mandala. I hope you like it. Take care & see you next week.
Wednesday 5th of March 2025
Can This be made bigger, lots bigger?
Sunday 18th of September 2022
I just "thumbled" upon this. Looks like a turtle sundae..yummy.
Tuesday 14th of May 2019
Will surely try it love mandalas